CDI Lier as part of the way to Paris for Dante Weltino and Therese Nilshagen

The field of participants leaves nothing to be desired at CDI Lier. The 4* Grand Prix was filled with 38 competitors and the audience could once again enjoy fantastic combinations. The master himself, Dante Weltino, left a good impression and showed he is in shape at 17 by winning the Grand Prix.

“Our big goal is the Olympic Games. This show was part of the way to go there. We hope to find the perfect practice during a few shows, to hopefully be in the Swedish team. That would be a dream”, gloats Therese Nilshagen. Participating at Paris would be the second Olympic Games for this Swedish top duo.

“He really likes the attention in there”
This was the first international show this year for Dante Weltino. “I came in and the first part of the test he was a little bit introvert and a little bit tense. But I think it got better and better, the canter was really good and after the canter I felt ‘Ok now we can start the test’. I’m very proud and happy with him.” He didn’t look introvert or shy at the prize giving. Therese laughs: “He was really excited in the prize giving, he knows what to do and he really likes the attention in there.”

Impressive son of Dante Weltino
The number three of today was a son of Dante Weltino, Jagerbomb of Becky Moody. They scored 72.543%. How is it to meet offspring of Dante Weltino at the competitions, especially at Grand Prix level? “That makes us so proud, Dante proves himself as a really good stallion and produces Grand Prix horses, that’s super. I was really really excited and happy, and it was also a very good round of Becky, so congratulations. I think she will have a very good future with this horse.” Between Dante Weltino and his son came the German Dorothee Schneider and her Dayman 4 (s.Daily Deal), scoring 73.522%.

Olympic legend Kyra Kyrklund shares her wisdom in Sunday’s clinic

On Thursday, we already enjoyed an interesting clinic of the dressage legend Kyra Kyrklund. Did you miss it? Then we’ve good news. Sunday, right after the Grand Prix Special, Kyra will give another dressage demo.

And we have a first in Sunday’s clinic, Jorinde Verwimp will show her new ride Jedaï de Massa. This former French vice champion as a 6-years-old and former horse of Catherine Dufour entered Jorinde’s stable not that long ago.

“In Sunday’s demo we will have a more advanced horse towards Grand Prix, than on Thursday. My basic thing is, that I work on the basics. If you can’t do it slow and if you can’t do it in walk, you won’t be able to do it in trot or canter or piaffe”, explains Kyra Kyrklund.

So don’t miss a thing and join the clinic on Sunday, right after the Grand Prix Special around 2.10PM. Tickets are available at the door, no need to buy them in advance.

Charlotte Dujardin: “I’ve never won a couch before!”

The 3* Grand Prix of yesterday evening was filled with highlights. One after another international championship rider rode into the arena and the Grand Prix was full of harmonious rides. Charlotte Dujardin managed to win the 3* Grand Prix with her newest Grand Prix trump card, Alive and Kicking (by All At Once). This class was offered by Henders & Hazel / De Sutter Naturally.

Henders & Hazel had an additional surprise for the winner of this class, as Charlotte Dujardin was allowed to choose a luxury sofa from the Henders & Hazel collection. “I’ve never won a couch before”, she reacts enthusiastically. The choice seemed quickly made. “What a lovely prize, this is really cool,” Charlotte said to chairman Wim Verwimp. “It’s my first time in Lier, but what an amazing show. The stables and facilities for the horses are fantastic, the arena is perfect and there’s a lot of space to train the horses. I definitely come back next year.”

Photo: Digishots

Charlotte Dujardin, Alive and Kicking in Lier

What an amazing Grand Prix it was. We were blown away by the amazing horses and great riders. The Olympic riders dominated the class tonight full of debutants. It was former Olympic Champion Charlotte Dujardin who topped the stage, winning her international Grand Prix debut with Alive and Kicking, scoring 75.043%.

“I’m very proud on my horse. I really didn’t know how it would go today to be honest. She has never done this before. Lots of experienced Grand Prix horses here and it was a big strong class with a lot of horses in it”, explains Charlotte Dujardin. The 3* Grand Prix consisted of 41 competitors.

“I couldn’t ask for much more”
“I really came here to gain experience. It’s the first show for this season. The main job for me as a rider, was to give her confidence to go in there and have a nice time. And I think she did do that. The last center line was complete my fault, she halted at X so many times, so she thought she was finished, and I was like ‘oh no we keep going’. It was completely my fault. But apart from that I’m so happy, I couldn’t ask for much more.”

Audrey Hepburn
Alive and Kicking danced through the arena, like a real ballerina. “She is lovely, she is the kindest, sweetest horse. She loves my daughter Isabella, she’s so good with her and so friendly. You can cuddle her all day. I bought ‘Audrey’ when she was four. I never have ridden the Grand Prix Special with her, so I’m curious how it will go. She is always trying, her trainability is amazing and she has got always enough engine to keep going. She’s a lovely mare and so kind. She’s like a ballerina, a real Audrey Hepburn.”

Future looks bright for Kittel and Jovian
All eyes where today on Patrik Kittel and his super star Jovian. The two-fold World Champion made his international Grand Prix debut today and showed off his quality. This pair made a massive impression and showed real good parts, the future looks really bright. Their test was awarded with a score of 73.739% and a third place. The reigning World Champion Charlotte Fry became second, scoring 74.283% with Nespresso.


Win for Tommie Visser: “I think she’s going to be my best horse”

After three days dedicated to the youth, it is now time for the seniors. This morning at 9 a.m. the first combination of the 1* Prix St. Georges rode into the arena. As many as 41 combinations participated in this class, in which the Belgians proved to be supreme. Tommie Visser, who exchanged his Dutch nationality for Belgian nationality last year, rode the Desperado daughter Karma Begijnhoeve to victory in the Prix St. Georges with 71.823%.

“Winning is always fun, of course. This is the third test I’ve ridden with her, and the first time internationally. She actually did really well. It’s a beautiful setting here, it’s always a wait of see how the horses react, but she did well”, Tommie Visser responded enthusiastically afterwards.

Successful exchange
“We bred her ourselves. Rob rode her first, but we swapped. I rode Quinten and Rob rode Karma first, and now I ride Karma and Rob rides Quinten. Karma is a sensitive mare, and I like that. So then we thought of swapping. And it turns out really good, I really like the mare”, Rob laughs. “She turns nine this year. I’m already training her a little further at home. She is actually doing everything from Grand Prix. I think she is going to be my best horse. Sunday I will ride the freestyle, I have never done that with her before. I brought her along for the experience, so I’m very curious about Sunday. We’re going to try to ride a nice test again”, Rob concludes.

British and Belgian on 2 and 3
The first starter of the day was Belgian Eline Borrey de Coninck, she rode the 11-year-old Destano son Dollars to 70.912% and the third place. With a score of 71.265%, Britain’s Jessica Dunn came second with her Dan Its Carston (by Durable).


Kittel’s student Luca Sophia Collin triumphs in U25 Freestyle

It was a delight today! The horses were ridden with great harmony and relaxation by the youth riders. Today’s highlight was the U25 Freestyle, this class was won by the German Luca Sophia Collin and her fantastic Fuhur 6 (s.Fürstenreich).

With a great score of 76.758% Luca Sophia stood out by more than 2,5% and secured her second victory of this week. “He’s been injured the whole last season, so I’m really really happy he’s so good on track”, is her first reaction. And she has got some loving words about her partner in crime. “He’s a really sweet guy to be honest. If I you do a mistake he’s also like ‘it’s ok, let’s do it again’. This is our first season together, we have had a few competitions before. He’s a good teacher and became Swedish Champion with my trainer, Patrik Kittel. I’ll definitely come back next year, it’s so nice to be here. The atmosphere is super nice.”

3* Grand Prix debut
Fuhur 6 isn’t the only horse Luca Sophia brought to Lier. Tomorrow she will make her 3* Grand Prix debut with her former U25 horse Ferrero D (s.Tuschinski). “He’s a little bit more a special horse, but he is really fun. I’m not expecting anything, but it will be fun. I’m excited to make my debut at Grand Prix level.”

Results U25
The Belgian Amber van den Steen became second in today’s Freestyle with her horse Fame (s.Ampere), scoring 74.142%. The Freestyle of the Dutch Rowena Weggelaar and Don Quichot (s.United) was rewarded with 73.550% and a third place.

Junior successes
A third, second and now a first place for the German Alix von Borries, she didn’t expect to win at all today. “It’s only my second international competition in general, with her, for me, so I’m very very happy and grateful.” Feingefuehl (s.Fuerstenball), Alix her mare, dances into a score of 75.700% and secured the win. “She really has her own opinion, she’s a real mare, but when you have her on your side, she just does everything. It was amazing today, she felt really good and I love my music.” Kebie Raaijmakers and her Kevita (s.Negro) ending up second, scoring 74.558%. Followed by Clara Cordes Arnkjaer from Denmark, she scored 73.808% with Brianna (s.Boegegaardens Boney M).

Young Riders
After a third and second place earlier this week for Amanda Lindholmm and Tiramisu (s.Tailormade Temptation), they were unbeatable in today’s Freestyle. With a score of 75.267% they lead the lap of honor. Followed by yesterday’s winner Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel and Zinq Emma (s.Escolar), scoring 72.692%. Tuesday’s winner Wynja Eriksdotter Rubin and El Diablo completed the stage and became third with a score of 71.750%.


A free music composition of To The Music for winner of the 3* Grand Prix

This is going to be exciting! To The Music will do live mixing of the freestyle music during the 1*, 3* and 4* Freestyles And.. the winner of the 3* Freestyle gets a freestyle composed by To The Music.

To The Music will award a free music composition to the winner of the 3* Grand Prix. Established in 2005 by brother and sister, Stefan and Barbara, To The Music has solidified its presence as a key player in the world of freestyle dressage music. Based in the Netherlands, we’ve become a sought-after destination for riders looking for distinctive and personalized compositions.

Specializing in crafting unique dressage music experiences, we prioritize authenticity in every note. Our commitment to this authenticity is encapsulated in our tagline, ‘Composed with Pride.’ At To The Music, we adopt a collaborative approach, engaging our clients throughout the entire creative process. By sending regular samples, we ensure that the music resonates with the individuality of each rider. Recognizing the nuanced difference between riding at home and in the arena, we persist with edits until it’s pitch-perfect – all part of our comprehensive service.

Beyond just music, To The Music is dedicated to enhancing your freestyle journey. Join us, and together, let’s craft a soundtrack that seamlessly complements your ride. Authentic tunes tailored to your rhythm.

Three in a row for Lilli von Helldorff

It’s the final competition day for the youth. The Children have put their best foot forward and it was again Lilli von Helldorff who took the win. At her second international show with Tropensonne, she managed to win all the three Children classes, sponsored by Lydia DeHertoghe.

“I didn’t expect this, it’s absolutely amazing to win all three classes. Especially because all other riders are so good. It’s my second international show with Tropensonne and we’re looking forward to the future”, says Lilli afterwards.

With a score of 77.342% she scored almost 3% higher than the number two, the German Ava Osing and Darjeeling 14 (74.343%). The Dutch Felyne Boschloo-Karsijns managed to become third with Heavens Voice with a score of 73.033%.

The ponyrider Feodora von Roeder rode a very smooth Freestyle and danced to the victory with her pony Morgensterns Delicius, just like yesterday, and scored 76.783%. Nora Feldmann and Beauty W ended up second with a score of 75.058% and the Danish Sofia Rosenkilde became third with a score of 74.583% on her pony DSP Cosmo Royale.


A winning Young Riders debut for European Juniors vice-champion Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel at CDI Lier

The Young Riders were in full battle on day two of CDI Lier. It was another day full of amazing rides and great performances. Like Germany’s Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel and her Zinq Emma FH. These European Juniors vice champions were making their international Young Riders debut and secured victory today.

“It was an amazing feeling today. It’s my first time here and I love this competition, everything is very nice. I’ve had Emma for three years now. She had first a foal and we are both new at this level. Tomorrow is our first freestyle at this level and I’m really looking forward to it. I just want to ride a good test, not too many mistakes I hope.” Yesterday Lana came second and today she took the win with a score of 70.392%.

Two in a row
Junior rider Lilly Marie Collin made it two in a row today. “My horse is just a dream. I definitely didn’t expect this because I’m new to the Juniors. I’m riding my new freestyle tomorrow, I’m very happy to be able to ride it and to show it to the judges, so I’m very excited.” Lilly Marie Collin and Famous K FRH scored 73.431% today. “He’s a stallion but super sweet and super calm and such a lovely horse to ride. He always wants to do everything perfectly.”

Clinic with dressage legend Kyra Kyrklund
Tomorrow is Freestyle day and there will be a very exciting clinic with the Olympic dressage legend Kyra Kyrklund. Join us at Azelhof Equestrian Center or watch via the free livestream.


First ever international win for Swedish Wynja Eriksdotter Rubin

It’s unbelievable, it’s my first international win so it’s very very special”, sounds a very happy rider afterwards. With her 15-year-old El Diablo (by Zenon), Sweden’s Wynja Eriksdotter Rubin scored 70.735%. This put her ahead of Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel with Zinq Emma FH (by Escolar) and her Swedish companion Amanda Lindholm with Tiramisu (by Tailormade Temptation).

“This horse is just amazing, we had a long journey. He was not ready for like even Junior classes, so it has taken a lot of time and patience. I’ve known all the time that he is really good but now we can show it also in the arena.”

Pinch me moments
“He’s 15 years old, I’ve had him for three years and it’s his third international competition ever. Last year we did our first competition, which was in May and it didn’t go well,” Wynja laughs. “Then I decided we needed to train and get better at training to get better at competitions. So I didn’t compete for a few months. And when I felt ready, I did two national competitions, and they were good. When we went to an international competition again, I was also blown away. Because we scored over 70 percent every day. It was a pinch me moment, just like now winning this class. I don’t know what to say, I’m so proud.”

Swedish friends on stage
Wynja was joined in the awards ceremony by her Swedish friend Amanda Lindholm. “That’s really cool, because Amanda and I trained with the same trainer when we started, when we rode ponies. We follow each other for many years. So it can’t be better.” About CDI Lier, Wynja also has nice words. “It’s so beautiful here. I love the arena and the amazing facilities. I don’t want to go home.”

The first day of CDI Lier is almost over, the youth put their best foot forward today. With wonderful results we look forward to tomorrow.

Results Children, sponsored by Ruitersport Lydia Dehertoghe

  1. Lilli von Helldorff & Tropensonne: (79.982%)
  2. Ava Osing & Darjeeling 14 (77.643%)
  3. Greta Louise Wagner & Fashion Rose (77.607%)

Results Pony’s, sponsored by Ruitersport Lydia Dehertoghe

  1. Sofia Rosenkilde & DSP Cosmo Royale (72.333%)
  2. Feodora von Roeder & Morgensterns Delicius (72.286%)
  3. Sissi van Gijssen & New Star 8 (71.286%)

Results Juniors, sponsored by ClipMyHorse.TV België

  1. Lilly Marie Collin & Famous K FRH (73.373%)
  2. Alix von Borries & Feingefuehl (72.121%)
  3. Anna Peeters & Harlekin (70.202%)

Results Young Riders, sponsored by Stal de Muze / Joris de Brabander

  1. Wynja Eriksdotter Rubin & El Diablo (70.735%)
  2. Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel & Zinq Emma FH (70.588%)
  3. Amanda Lindholm & Tiramisu (70.147%)

Results U25, sponsored by Stal Verwimp

  1. Luca Sophia Collin & Fuhur 6 (72.010%)
  2. Amber van den Steen & Fame (69.951%)
  3. Kimberly Pap & Just A Dream-STRH (69.461%)

All results