Amazing CDI Lier ending with winner Anne Meulendijks
The judges opinions differed greatly in the Grand Prix Freestyle in Lier. With 76,445% Anne Meulendijks won the victory with a big lead over compatriot, Diederik van Silfhout.
Together with MDH Avanti NOP, Meulendijks did a nice test where she got an eight for the pirouettes and extended canter. The coordination with the music and balance between horse and rider gave the decisive factor for a winning score. Belgian judges Jacques Van Daele and Freddy Leyman placed the pair at the first spot.
Diederik van Silfhout took second place in the saddle of Expression NOP. A constant test with nicely executed pirouette yielded 75.550%. Ulrike Prunthaller ended third with Bartlgut’s Quebec. The duo gave a restless impression on the extended step, resulting in a final score of 75.050%.
For her own audience, Jorinde Verwimp scored sixth place with Cape Town with 72.33%.